Otolaryngology is the medical specialty that deals with problems of the ears, nose, mouth, throat, and other structures in the head and neck. Otolaryngologists, also known as otorhinolaryngeologists or ENT physicians, treat adults and children of all ages. Their specialties include ear disorders (including hearing loss, balance disorders and tinnitus), nasal and sinus disorders (including chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and nasal surgery), facial plastic surgery, swallowing and voice disorders, and the management of head and neck cancers.
ENT doctors are trained in both medicine and surgical procedures, so they can address many issues that other physicians cannot. They are the only physicians who can perform surgery on the ear, nose and throat. They are also the most qualified to address other areas of the head and neck that may require surgery, including thyroid and parathyroid disorders, salivary gland problems, and diseases of the throat and esophagus.부산이비인후과
A few of the more common otolaryngology treatments are adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy, which remove the enlarged tonsils in children to prevent chronic ear infections, and tympanoplasty, which closes perforations and improves hearing by removing diseased tissue from behind the eardrum. They can also repair cleft palates and perform biopsy to identify suspicious masses or lesions that might be cancerous.부산코수술
The otolaryngologists can also help people with snoring and sleep apnea by performing nasal septoplasty, a procedure to correct a deviated septum and straighten bent cartilage, or by performing radiofrequency thermal ablation, which reduces tissue bulk. They can also perform a tracheostomy, which is an opening in the neck into the windpipe to facilitate breathing or removal of secretions.