What Is a Diet Hospital?

A diet hospital consists of doctors, nurses and patients working together to transform the food that’s served in hospitals. Stanford Medicine’s Jodi Krefetz and Helen Wirth, for example, are leaders in the movement to make hospital foods more nutritious, delicious and socially acceptable. “When you are in the hospital, what you eat can have a real impact on your recovery,” says Krefetz. Their goal is to create tasty, nutritious food that’s better for patient health than supplements like Ensure, which are processed and high in corn syrup and chemicals. They’re also open to clinical input, inviting surgeons and other clinicians to join them in the kitchen as they test new recipes.다이어트약

Hospital foods should always be prescribed according to the patients’ nutritional status, which is often altered during hospital stay. To do so, two regular diets should be available: the standard diet – for younger patients without disease-related metabolic stress – and the hospital diet for 65 years or older patients, acute or chronic diseases at risk for or with malnutrition or disease-related metabolic stress. Indications for these diets are based on nutritional risk screening and should be evaluated at least annually.

Prescription of hospital foods should be done by doctors, physicians dietitians and nurses through the computerized patient medical record according to the patient’s nutrition needs. The list of available diets should be updated every three to five years according to novel data in nutrition science and medicine and to the hospital’s focus and needs.강남삭센다

In many clinics, prescription of hospital diets is independent from the evaluation of nutritional status and based on arbitrary non-scientific criteria or caregivers’ personal beliefs. Consequently, these diets may be protein and energy deficient and increase the risk of malnutrition in hospitalized patients. The current European guideline stresses that nutritional assessment should be an integral part of the care and treatment process.